Sérgio Guerreiro – Senior Director at Turismo de Portugal

Sérgio Guerreiro is currently Senior Director for Knowledge Management and Innovation at Turismo de Portugal, being in charge of statistics, business intelligence, sustainability, entrepreneurship and innovation.

He is also responsible for the program Tourism 4.0, an integrated program to foster innovation in the tourism sector involving more than 350 startups.
He represents Portugal at several international working groups at UNWTO, OECD and European Travel Commission. He is currently Chairman of the OECD Tourism Committee and Chairman of the European Travel Commission’s Market Intelligence Group.

He is also World Economic Forum’s Agenda Contributor.
Prior to this role, he was Director for Research and responsible for International Affairs.
Executive Director of Westmont Institute for Tourism and Hospitality at Nova SBE and visiting lecturer at NOVA IMS, teaching in the fields of International Tourism Management, Market Trends & Innovation.

Skilled in Hospitality Industry, Market Research, Innovation, Sustainability and International Affairs.

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